Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

We will be at the Pechanga Pow wow

June 27, 2010

Get Native Art works very closely with American Indian Channel who will be selling baskets, pottery, books and items with the California Indian Seal at this year’s Pechanga Pow Wow on the July 4th weekend in Temecula.

Get Native Art will be at the Pechanga PowWow

June 12, 2010

Get Native Art works very closely with American Indian Channel. So, at this year’s AIC table at the Pechanga PowWow, Get Native Art will be selling baskets and pottery and other items. So please support GNA and AIC at the powwow on July 2, 3, and 4 at Pechanga Indian Reservation. The AIC table has basket demonstrations, native plant info, videos and much more. Hope to see you there.

Buy Native Art

November 4, 2009

Most of the Native arts that are found in stores today are by Native people that really need the money. For example, I work with the Native communities in California and Northern Baja California. A few stores do carry this type of art. One of the few online is get native art. I hope there will be more. Many of the Native communities are seriously hurting for an income. I will add photos of the various arts that are out there and can be bought from get native art and other sellers and even when they are directly sold by the artists themselves.


Tirsa Flores

Tirsa Flores, Santa Catarina, Baja, CA


basket with spiral design

Mission Style basket, kumiai, San Jose de la Zorra, Baja, CA



Traditional Southern California/Northern Baja California Pottery


Basket work

Baskets and Basket Work, San Jose de la Zorra, Baja, California

Just some examples.